
#315 - Water Tank and Handcar Maintenance Shed - Official Build - Karl. A



  • Thanks for the info Karl!
  • You are right about the turnbuckles looking awesome.

    Nice color grading on the tank boards.
  • the water tank looks terrific. i can't get over the detail in those turnbuckles. did brett include a wrench for tightening them down?
  • Looks great Karl. Nice graining on the wood. I especially like the board ends that are under the bottom turnbuckle. Randy
  • edited November 2022
    Thanks Bryan, Kev and Randy.
    Kevin, the wrench is in the tool box on the previous page.. ha

    Randy, I didnt weather the ends of the boards, infact I sanded them smooth with the ends of the tank. The top will be covered by the roof.
    The bottom would not have any rot or splits as it is a water tank and would leak. It is sanded to fit flush on the decking.
    The two boards you see must be natural ends of the strip wood pieces that I missed.
  • Great details by Brett. An a "MASTER" putting them all together!!

  • Thanks Jerry.


    The shingles are actually much greyer, more like the top of the tank sides.
    I had my 'yellow' lights on.


    Next steps are back to the diorama base.
  • you make it look so easy.....
  • Just following the instructions my friend.
  • Most excellent!
  • That looks great.
  • Really nice Karl. I like the color. Randy
  • edited November 2022
    Thanks Ken, Jim and Randy, really good to read your comments.

    A quick 'mock-up' of the 'parts' just propped together so far and where I am at,
    most not glued together or finished yet, but, just to see where I am as I'm not in the mood to model tonight.
    It's still nice to look at though...


  • Thanks my friend.
  • all this work done, and it's only been 5 or 6 weeks. man, you're like greased lightning on these builds, and they always turn out so great. i am in awe
  • Really shaping up Karl. Thanks for taking the time to share all the wonderful pictures. It sure does help seeing these to go along with the manual. Invaluable to newer modelers like myself. Greatly appreciated sir.
  • Looking GOOD!
  • Wow! great work. I love the turnbuckle detail and the subtle accumulation of dirt and rust around them.
  • Really coming together. That last pic is the money shot! The wood on that tank is just beautiful, lighter on top a bit darker on bottom with a subtile transition...perfect.
  • edited November 2022
    Thanks for the great input and comments Kevin, Emery, Tom, Joel and Ken.

    Not much progress over the last couple of days due to working on other 'side projects'.
    However, I installed the walk boards infront of the structures and also the step put infront of the pump house door.
    I also put the inside rails down in the 'car bay'.


    As you can see I also put most of the "hand-car' together, it's sitting to the side with the epoxy setting in some of the pics.

    I think the extra 'elevations' Brett added into the simple walk boards add a lot of dimensionality into the scene and give it interest.

    I also grained, stained, cut and then weathered the shingles for the main roof.
    I'll work on applying those to the main roof tomorrow.


    Thanks for checking in...
  • KKarns said:

    ... Love that view above of the jacket and the cans on top of the shelf unit. Beautifully done.

    Thanks Ken, instead of having the jacket 'central' on the side of the shelf unit, I moved it over to the left so that the jacket casting overhangs/protrudes the side of the cabinet.

    This gives the effect that it is a separate item from the cabinet, it also gives an extra 3Dimensional aspect to the scene as a whole.

    It's a very subtle difference, but one that I think adds an additional subliminal effect to the overall look.

    It's always the small things.

  • Beautiful Karl. The door slightly open into the stone structure is always a nice little detail.
  • Karl, I went back and looked at the jacket. Very nice subtle detail. These color pictures really help me when I am doing my own work. Thanks Randy
  • Just fantastic work, as always. getting to the really exciting bit.
  • Thanks for the replies and support Wes, randy and Joel, great to see the feedback.

    Last night I got the basic shingles applied to the main roof,
    music turned up, shingles glued down....


    This is just the main shingles, tonight I'm getting motivated to finish off the edges and hatch openings, also maybe the cap.
  • Beautiful job on the shingles. Very realistic
  • Thanks so much Jim. Really appreciated.
  • Great variation in the shingles. Your modeling is incredible.......Rick
  • The shingles look really the variation of tones...
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