
E.J. Whiley Build



  • the green roof is real tight and looks great. everything looks great, but what i like best are the awnings. you did a nice job on the awnigs. i haven't tried them since n scale, and that was debacle.
  • Excellent work Tom. Well done.
  • Most excellent Tom! So much to look at and admire. Love your take on the combination of the concrete and dirt based scenic work. Scene composition looks cluttered and natural. Lots of color both nothing jumps out. Could see this diorama 10 years from now and recognize it as Tom's E' J' Whiley!...great work. Only thing I can pick at would be to work a bit to get the rope to hang a bit more naturally...Beautifully done and such a joy to see a quality build of this kit we don't see very often...Ken
  • Really great job Tom! Makes me want to build one myself.
  • Thanks for the compliments guys.

    Ed, I hadn't even noticed the shingles. Thanks for calling it to my attention. I will have to be more careful in the future, and I don't mind the comments. That's why I post builds to gain understanding and learning.

    Ken, the rope was another thing I hadn't noticed either. The photos in the instructions had it hanging loosely so I didn't pay much attention to it. After looking back at the photos I see what you mean. From the side it doesn't look too bad, but head on it does look "crooked". I was more focused on getting the curling of the rope ends right than how it hung.

    I actually drilled out the pulley so I could slip the thread through and make it look more believable. The instructions called for cutting 2 pieces and gluing it to both sides of the pulley, which I thought would be more difficult to have it hang right.
  • Pointing out the rope is a testament to the quality of work you do. When a build is this good the audience doesn't mind pointing out a thing here and there.
  • Thanks Ken. The rope is one of those things you look past or through while looking at the bigger picture.
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