
Craig McCormick Introduction

Hello, I actually joined this forum 4 years ago but didn't introduce myself. I have been in HO scale model railroading for over 20 years and have enjoyed building kits (mostly AMB Laserkit and Bar Mills). I've been impressed with Sierra West kits and did start Deer Creek Mine 4 years ago, building the ore bin and tipple. I then put that on hold while I expanded my layout. Am now retired so have more time and in work on the Railroad Camp Truck Repair shop. Also to note I have two Sierra West buildings that were done by other modelers. The Logging Camp "Cutters Creek" Station built by the late George Desrosiers and the Office and Warehouse building of Railroad Camp built by Tom M. These serve as great examples for me to follow as I build on.


  • edited July 2024
    Welcome, Craig, to a group of Sierra West enthusiasts. I look forward to your posting of your progress. I’d be willing to bet you’ll have some techniques and styles which will be of interest to the rest of us
  • Welcome Craig! Looking forward to seeing your work. This is a GREAT place to learn and grow in your modeling.
  • Welcome aboard. Nowhere on earth better to learn about fine scale model building and honing your craft. Looking forward to seeing your versions of these classics.
  • Very welcome Craig !!
  • Welcome Craig. Looking forward to seeing what you do with these wonderful kits. Enjoy the ride.
  • Welcome Craig. Always good to see a new member.

  • Welcome Craig! Great to have you on our Forum.
  • Hey Craig, welcome and look forward to seeing your work here.
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