Glad to hear the general consensus is that I'm on track with the dirt and ground cover. Thanks for your input. Didn't think about taking it outside for a couple of pictures, will try that, Thanks Dj.
Karl, nice hearing from you and thanks for the note. I have your build from "Dirt, Details, and Dioramas" on my desk top and bang back and forth through those great shots particularly in an attempt to emulate your road. That sequence really helped out though of course I went a bit darker overall for the deep woods feel. There are still a few little spots on the road that I need to tweak where the base shows through a little, etc.
Thanks Wes, I put the road in for a couple reasons. I wanted to customize the diorama just a bit and to see if I could construct a plausible road for this and future builds. The pics show some progress on the ground cover and the detailing along the back fence...more later -K
Dave, it is a good bit of "stuff" in a small area but I like the feel also. The road, and the dry wash in front, work to give the appearance of changes in elevation rather than a flat 8x8. I took your advise and shot an outdoor picture and what a big difference! I'll get a series of pics in this setting as I head for the home stretch. Lots of small details yet to do.
DJ, Thanks for following and I should be wrapping things up on this one before long.
It looks REALLY good. The extra effort on the castings and scenery is paying off. I like the way you roughed up the big rusty wheel on the side. Looks like someone was target shooting your trash barrel.
Bryan, hate busting up any of Brett's wonderful castings but I just had to do it! That barreI has great detail with the "bullet" holes and all...its amazing how one small little casting of Brett's, when rusted up, can make such a difference in a mini scene! It's what gets us hooked.
Karl, I was amazed at how much better the pictures look in natural outdoor lighting. Gettin there... with a few more details to go like mount the rail, mount the tank spout and support pieces and round out the small details. Thanks so much for your Dirt, Details, and Dioramas build thread as I referred to your recommendations and great pictures constantly as I planned and built my diorama.
Awesome!! The outside picture really shows off the amount of work and detail you have done. The colors really look amazing and vibrant in the natural light. If you have time i am sure many of us would really enjoy seeing more pictures of the build in natural light . Good luck in the contest when you go. Jim
Hi Jim, Nice to hear from you. Thanks for the encouragement. I want to get some more details done before posting anymore pics as I don't want to get redundant on the views. The issue of the taking this to the Expo is like going to a car show without a car. You would have fun but taking something to show makes it that much more special. Show worthy or not isn't my reason for going, it's to be a part of the festivities and "hob-nob" with the group and meet some great people. Should be a blast!
Karl, with that comment...I already have! Am having a ball detailing the diorama. So glad you scolded me regarding the stumps...the "side yard" really turned out nice as a result. Just finished the loosely coiled hose from the tank pipe valve, much fiddling to get it to lay and look right. Think I got it though. Pictures will follow soon.
Hope nobody got the wrong idea with the above comment! What I mean is that if Karl and you guys feel its a good build and worthy of putting on the table...then I feel I have already won in my mind regardless of how it pans out. Havin fun's the name of the game...and I have that down pat!
Karl, whew! I appreciate the conformation that you feel it came across the way it was meant. Nice shot of you at your "work bench" it might be just me but I didn't notice any serious work going on....
hey KKarns, that outdoor picture is nice, the colors speak much more than the inside pictures. and I like to do the same build as I finished my hot rod shop
Karl, sweet...make sure you add a 1/2 inch thick border around your dio...I won't say anything...
DJ, the outdoors picture is the way to go. I'm closing in on being done with this thing. Make sure you post your build and will love seeing another Backwoods tank build. I'm really enjoying this one.
Hi Joel, Thanks for the comment. I am finishing up the small, yet important, minor details and have the spout to mount yet then I'm calling it finished. Great to hear you'll be at the Expo. This will be my first so I'm looking forward to learning the ropes.
For all practical purposes I have finished the Backwoods Water Tank and Storage Shed build and diorama. Pictures of the completed diorama will be forthcoming with the next good outside photo weather.
Pictured here are a few shots of the spout mounting procedure I used that deviates a bit from the "workbook". I wanted to make sure the spout was securely mounted to the pump house decking. I drilled a small hole in the spout casting and expoxied an .025" styrene rod in the hole (see pic). I drilled the same size hole in the deck beam. I wanted to avoid any undue torque on the spout once it was secured so I pre-mounted the chain for the counterweights to the spout casting. The styrene rod was coated with epoxy and a small bit on the spout flange where it contacts the deck beam and slipped it into the hole. I used a scrap piece of strip wood to brace the spout where I wanted it. The remainder of the spout mounting went without incident!
beautiful modeling ken, a real pleasure to look at . also taking time looking at all the different areas of the pictures shows the depth and skill displayed. nice job indeed.
Karl, appreciate the comments and really looking forward to getting the final shots posted. Weather has been ridiculous here lately and I just have to get my empty oil barrel full of "oil" for the photo op. What advise here on simulating a barrel full of "oil" was thinking of Realistic Water and mix in some Poly Oily Black?
Brett, my e-mail request to you illustrates what I think of this kit of yours! I loved your comment of the location and timing of the Expo and your alternate plans. Also, would like your take on the barrel full of oil issue...
Joel, does feel good to have completed my first diorama, good, bad, or indifferent, you can count on it being there and can't wait to meet everyone.
Karl. A
Karl, nice hearing from you and thanks for the note. I have your build from "Dirt, Details, and Dioramas" on my desk top and bang back and forth through those great shots particularly in an attempt to emulate your road. That sequence really helped out though of course I went a bit darker overall for the deep woods feel. There are still a few little spots on the road that I need to tweak where the base shows through a little, etc.
I like the idea of the sloping road , gives it a point of difference.
DJ, Thanks for following and I should be wrapping things up on this one before long.
Karl, I was amazed at how much better the pictures look in natural outdoor lighting. Gettin there... with a few more details to go like mount the rail, mount the tank spout and support pieces and round out the small details. Thanks so much for your Dirt, Details, and Dioramas build thread as I referred to your recommendations and great pictures constantly as I planned and built my diorama.
The issue of the taking this to the Expo is like going to a car show without a car. You would have fun but taking something to show makes it that much more special. Show worthy or not isn't my reason for going, it's to be a part of the festivities and "hob-nob" with the group and meet some great people. Should be a blast!
Fun is definitely what it is all about.
DJ, the outdoors picture is the way to go. I'm closing in on being done with this thing. Make sure you post your build and will love seeing another Backwoods tank build. I'm really enjoying this one.
Pictured here are a few shots of the spout mounting procedure I used that deviates a bit from the "workbook". I wanted to make sure the spout was securely mounted to the pump house decking. I drilled a small hole in the spout casting and expoxied an .025" styrene rod in the hole (see pic). I drilled the same size hole in the deck beam. I wanted to avoid any undue torque on the spout once it was secured so I pre-mounted the chain for the counterweights to the spout casting. The styrene rod was coated with epoxy and a small bit on the spout flange where it contacts the deck beam and slipped it into the hole. I used a scrap piece of strip wood to brace the spout where I wanted it. The remainder of the spout mounting went without incident!
Brett, my e-mail request to you illustrates what I think of this kit of yours! I loved your comment of the location and timing of the Expo and your alternate plans. Also, would like your take on the barrel full of oil issue...
Joel, does feel good to have completed my first diorama, good, bad, or indifferent, you can count on it being there and can't wait to meet everyone.