
yet another o scale railroad camp build



  • thanks jerry
  • i'm sure most of you guys are light years ahead of me. i'm planning on doing some scratch building and......
    last night i got a little frustrated that my packages of scale lumber were taking up an entire shelf so i decided to do something about it.
    scale lumber packages
    (that's less than half of them)

    so i went to the hardware store and bought a 5' piece of 1 1/2" pvc pipe, set up the chop saw, and cut the pipe in five inch sections (the fence on the saw wouldn't lock), washed them very well, and painted them with a red primer from ace. i then took a piece of masonite and cut a 8x4" piece for the bottom, and a 8x7.5" piece for the back. i cut a piece of pine 2x2" and epoxied the back to it and clamped it for a few hours. then i took the back piece and epoxied it to the 2x2, leaving an inch below the "shelf" for screwing in to the wall (that is why there's such a gap in the top row).

    now my scale lumber is organized, and when i get paid friday i'm going to order 2 more packs of 2x4, some 1x4 and some 1x10 (for shakes). the unlabled tube has 4x4"s in it right now.
    the solution

    i'm feeling alot better about the state of my scale lumber now...... :)

  • Issue properly attended to!
  • so when i went to the hardware store to pick up the pvc pipe, i always stop at the bargain bins, cuz there's always something. i found this set of o rings for $2.99 so i grabbed it. at least a couple of the sizes will be good substitutes for o scale tires should i want to add some to the truck repair.
    O rings

    and i'm feeling kinda smug, cuz look at what i did!! yup, i cleaned it off. once the rr camp was finished and i cleared shelf space by finding a new home for my scale lumber, i took the plunge.

    Cleaned Workbench
  • Looks very cosy....... Let the new kit appear ! :wink:
  • To clean. Do you really model???

  • engine909 said:

    The dude can make a mess. Kinda like the Cardinals made a very stinky mess of four games. Sorry not suppose to mention baseball.
    Brett, please don't ban me.

    Hah Ed! You can talk about baseball all you want... In the Off Topic Forum!

  • Kevin, great solution for the strip wood. You're better organized than I am. My workbench is quite a mess right now. I do clean it off every once in a while, usually after I can't find something that I know is buried in the mess. I know where things are supposed to be but they seem to keep getting shuffled around.
  • i have a confession to make. during cleanup i found the magic disappearing chimney (sorry brett). it was primed and stuck to an oversized tongue depressor and stuck on a shelf (ostensibly to get it out of the way for later).
    that's what i get for cleaning up the work bench....
  • welcome to hell
    hell 1

    hell 2

    trick or treat
  • That's the most realistic snow I've seen on a model.
    Even the chairs and tables look so real.

    Can you explain the steps involved to get this look!!!!

  • 60 in Vermont today. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ha
  • jerry,
    i've found that the easiest way to accomplish this is to just leave the stuff outdoors and let the sh*t fall on it.
  • Three years ago we moved from the Chicago area to Springfield, MO. I lived in northern IL my whole life. I don't miss the cold and snow from that area. Since we've moved to MO we've only had about 5 snow falls totaling less than 12". Now the summer heat and humidity are another story!
  • carl,
    that's not fair.
  • more hell
    more hell

    my dad used to have a resort on table rock lake in shell knob mo. summers were horribly hot.
  • just shoveled the drive and sidewalks for the trick or treaters. i'll be very surprised if we have any though. the wind is howling.....
  • Had to take my jacket off it was SO warm.
  • Well, talking about snow..... On Sept 28th, this year, I went on an overnight backpack at Mt. Rainier. Two inches of snow on the ground to start with another inch expected overnight. Hiked in five miles. Did not sleep hardly at all in my bivy sack. Got up to eight inches + of snow on the ground and 23 degrees. Shoes and laces frozen. Long cold walk out. About 2 miles from the truck there is a meadow. I had seen many elk tracks along the way and here in the meadow, 25 or so yards away is a big 6 point bull elk. iPhone is so cold it won't fire up fast enough to get a pic. To add more misery to the hike I fell 7 times coming out that 5 miles. I also stepped into a 2 foot deep hole which I knew was there but couldn't stop in time, that sent my lower back into great pain which I am now just getting over. So Kevin, your snow pics remind me of the last time I was in snow...that I want to forget about. But its always pretty to look at.

  • i'll make up a bed for you. when you get to antioch illinois call me and i'll pick you up at our crop dusting field.
  • Are you sure you want to do that Kevin?
  • decidedly untrue!
  • so does watching the bears these days, they may not win another game all season.
  • my new layout!!
    new layout

    bought it at costco this morning for $60.00. hardly worth half that and i'm surprised that lionel put it's name on it. truth be told, it'll be worth the price just to see theo's face tomorrow when they come for a visit. he's gonna love it.
  • no kidding
  • engine909 said:

    That train set is much more complex than the Bears offense.

    Maybe the O formation would work better for the Bears than the I.

  • you are soooo far off topic.....
  • kebmo said:

    you are soooo far off topic.....

    Do you think!!!!

  • Looks like a nice layout Kevin. I'm looking forward to more :)

  • luckily, my grandson and his folks took it home with them.
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